Announcements, Author Stuff, Writing

I won Silver Honorable Mention!

My short story LOVE POTION won Silver Honorable Mention for the 4th quarter of Writers of the Future! It’s such a motivational boost to receive such good news! 😀 It’s a step up from my previous submission (I won Honorable Mention with Reap What You Sow), so definitely proud of myself for the progress I’ve made.

LOVE POTION is a 1500 words long romance story between two witches as one visits the other in their herbology shop. Here’s the pitch:

Love’s an elusive thing, or perhaps the truest, hardest to grasp magic in the world. Love potions never work. Luella knows that, but for her, she’s willing to try.

LOVE POTION will be included in my paranormal romance collection once I have enough material. Until then, I think I’ll keep my eyes open for possible places to submit the story.  


L. Ron Hubbard’s Writers of the Future Contest invites writers to send their best science-fiction and fantasy short stories (up to 17.000 words).


Ron Hubbard’s Writers of the Future Contest website

Difference between Honorable Mention and Silver Honorable Mention.

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