Okay, so I’m thinking about what I’m going to do with my writing now that I’ve been creating more stories. I finally succeeded in writing flash fiction, which is probably what got me rethinking my plans. At first, I intended to submit them all to eMagazines but I’m thinking that might not be a good idea. Maybe I should only submit the best of them and from a certain length only.
So now I’m thinking about putting the really short ones on my website for people to read for free. Curious potentially new readers could easily check out my writing and see if my style fits theirs. I’m thinking about flash fiction (under 1000 words long). The short stories (1000 words and up) I’ll be submitting to magazines. Stories which are at least 5000 words long I might self-publish instead.
I’ll bundle the best of my work in a story collection maybe once or twice a year, depending on how busy I am. These will include flash fiction, short stories and novelettes. I might even add in a prologue or two for my novellas and novels.