As you can see I’ve been working on updating my website. It’s got a new look, and I’m going to make a few changes to its content as well. Some of the changes have already started a month or so ago, but I feel like a reminder wouldn’t hurt anybody.
No monthly newsletters
I started sending newsletters every month because I’d read online in those writing advice posts that it was a must. Thing is, it feels so pointless when I have hardly anything to share. So to make subscribing more appealing and life easier for me, I decided to stop. Not entirely of course. I’ll still be sending newsletters when I actually have some news which I’d like you to be aware of. These will include book cover reveals, publishing dates, discounts and free reads.
Blog posts
There was a time where I thought this was a good idea… but I’m really bad at this. At consistently adding new posts I mean. So that’s gone too.
New story concepts
Yeah, nice try. There will be something similar though. I’ll still be adding elevator pitches and blurbs for my WIPs though, and I’d really appreciate any feedback on them 🙂
No more reading goals
Of course, I’ll keep on reading books xD but I won’t be doing those reading goal posts. Realized it wasn’t really a good fit for me and I’d rather share book reviews and recommendations of books I absolutely adored just whenever I have time to write them.
Is something missing from my website that you’d feel would be a good addition, don’t be shy and let me know! Send me an email ( and leave a comment.