The past weeks since my last progress update I’ve been on fire! I’ve written and done some light editing for chapters 13 and 14, and wrote a first draft for chapters 15 to 17. There are new clues to the country’s drought and things take a turn for the worst for Salandrine, before she gets some wind-down time away from the palace. With the added 8.034 words, I’m coming to a total wordcount of 32.794.
Which also means with how far I am with the manuscript that it’ll be over 40.000 words long. Meaning it’ll be too long for Tor Publishing’s submission call for fantasy novellas.
Side projects:
It’s just a working title, but I unshelved this old WIP from 2012 because I needed something uncomplicated to write. Omen is a paranormal romance/fantasy and I’ve got about 3000 words for the first draft. It’s pretty rough and missing all kinds of things like proper descriptions, but I’ve been having fun with the characters.
Some lines from my writing:
"Tears stung her eyes, reminded of the fact that he was gone and fearing that no one would ever feel like that about her again." #satlines
— Elisa Winther (@winthernovels) September 30, 2017
"For a moment I forget I’m hiding behind a lie. That I’m lying by fooling everyone with a mask so deep it’s become my face." #SlapDashSat
— Elisa Winther (@winthernovels) October 14, 2017