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Writing has been going well these past days. I’ve been blogging, figuring out some world-building stuff, and doing what I said I wouldn’t: draft and edit at the same time. I’m talking about my Cursed Enemies to Lovers WIP concerning the latter two.

Since my last Writing Progress Update (W51) I’ve written quite a bit: 5.911 words during W51, 7087 words during W52, and 8.298 words during W1. These wordcounts include my blogging, like my A year of books post, Reflecting on my 2019 post, and What my creative process looks like & How I deal with the aftermath of writing intense scenes post which starts with my new series on my creative process.
A little side note: I found some new background music which I love. It’s a calming playlist of final fantasy music and takes over 9 hours! You can listen to it here. Feel free to share your favorite background or writing music in the comments!
Cursed Enemies to Lovers (WT)
I haven’t set a wordcount goal for the upcoming weeks but I do plan to at least stay in the flow of things. Things are going slow at the moment because I’m working on a couple of chapters which are quite a handful. After feedback on my first chapter for Cursed Enemies to Lovers I decided to rewrite the opening.
Instead of a 2500 something chapter it’s become its own ARC, sort of. It’s multiple chapters long, at passed the 6000 word mark, and am still not done. It will however greatly improve the book. It’s got more world-building as my writing friend and CP made me see. Instead of a robbery, lots of setup and little answers given, it’s not a scuffle between three groups as refugees try to escape a country and stumble into an elementals hiding place when they seek refuge, with their pursuers hot on their heels.
As I worked on these chapters I revisited the blood magic system and tweaked things a little so Sagani’s magic actually comes at a cost (more clearly). I’ve also expanded here and there where it needed a bit more description and character development. Added a new character who Sagani is taking care of at her cottage but who will only have a minor role in the book, and am instead of having Sagani have SPD, have her be Autistic.
So changes, changes, changes, and lots of editing, expanding and exploring world-building as well. Another change is, as of this week I’m stepping away from having this WIP have an enemies to lovers romance. It’s just not in the cards for these two (they’re named Sagani and Mael by the way) and I figured I best just shape the relationship naturally instead of forcing them into a mould “just because”.
I’m growing more and more excited about this project. Hopefully this will remain as this is once again a pretty changeling project due to some of its subjects.
A few lines from the WIP
Getting the elementals out there safely would be risky. If security drones in the area picked up on the violence and she were found there with weapons, she’d be in trouble. Even if she could block out the drones, whoever was there could report her if they figured out about her particular brand of magic. And then there was the fact that whoever was there might be a threat to her safety as well.
She’d have to prepare, she’d replenish her body with ample nourishment over the past days, bolstered her stamina, but she still had to gather all her stored energy from crystals and jewellery, gather all of her familiars, and come up with a plan.
On top of that, she’d have to use a lot of magic to help the elementals. That many hunters meant a complicated and well prepared battle. She absent-mindedly rubbed the cursed mark on her back. It’d cost her more than time, stamina and arcane to perform such a feat.
She nodded. “Earn me time.”
“Time granted.” The colony [of bats] exploded into movement, swarming overhead as they gathered before shooting away from her cottage.
~ WIP lines from chapter 3 of my WIP Cursed Enemies to Lovers (working title).