Progress Update, Writing

Writing progress update: March W11

Image of purple flowers, a fountain pen, and written
 piece of paper on the left, and a green square to the right with text reading “Writing Progress Update” and “Elisa Winther”.

I’ve mostly been blogging and editing so far this month and although my wordcounts have dropped compared to previous weeks
(I’ve only written a bit over 8000 words) I like the progress I’m making. Keeping it to the important notes, there’s two WIPs I’d like to talk to you all about, because they are almost done.

Active WIPs

The first is LEGEND OF SAVANNA, which I retitled to FOUND BY A WANDERING HEART, and the other is SALT. The first needs some final proofing before I’ll be sending it off for submissions.

I’m still open to beta-readers for this one though, so if you’re interested in reading:

  • A high fantasy story set in a historical Mnaluria (setting for SALANDRINE),
  • Meaning, a magical desert with fantastical monsters, nature spirits, and magic,
  • A tale on a budding friendship and learning to trust people again,
  • With an Autistic protagonist.

Send me a message and I’ll send you the latest version.

My WIP SALT is my first novelette, a fantasy romance featuring polyamory, magic powered by music, and an ADHD lead who learns to take back control and that her productivity has nothing to do with her worth (themes of jobs, getting overworked, disability, etc.). I’m still brainstorming titles.

A few days ago I finished a first draft, but I suck at drafting without editing so the first couple of scenes have been edited a couple of times already. It’s a mess xD There’s still some world-building to flesh out and add into the WIP, including heavy revising for the last couple of scenes.

Blogging on Self-care

Here’s the list on posts I made for my mental health blog series, currently with the theme Self-care.

Previously posted blogs on Self-care:

And newly added posts since last update:

Blogging about Diversity

But I’ve also started blogging about diversity. It won’t be a regular thing yet, but every now and then I’ll post on something current or something which happened to be on my mind and I needed off my chest. Here’s a first post:

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