Announcements, Author Stuff

Chat with me about sensitivity reading on #UKRomChat on the 21st of JAN!

Good news folks! I’ve been invited for #UKRomChat* to talk about sensitivity reading, and I’m really looking forward to it! A little nervous, but in a good way, haha 😀 The chat will take place from 8 to 9 PM (GMT) on the 21st. * #UKRomChat is a weekly chat on twitter for romance writers… Read More Chat with me about sensitivity reading on #UKRomChat on the 21st of JAN!

Author Stuff, Writing

2018 Writing Goals

This past year has been one of great growth. I’ve got the hang of writing short stories, become more productive as a writer, and improved on my craft. Connecting with the right people has been essential to all of that. Since I’ve met my critique group, I’ve learned so much and I’m grateful for all… Read More 2018 Writing Goals

Author Stuff, Reading

Reading challenge: OCTOBER

I’m starting a monthly reading challenge to encourage me to read and review more, and you’re welcome to join me! The challenge is open to suggestions and can be adjusted to your reading habits. Our monthly reading challenge for October: read a scary book (horror, dark fantasy, noir, etc).