
My January Reads

A little late, but I wanted to talk a bit about the books I read last month. I’ll only mention the books I finished this month, since there are two which I started but haven’t finished yet before the start of February. There was much to love in my January reads. I will start with… Read More My January Reads


A year of books

I’ve never been a fast reader, or one who reads a lot. Which is why the number of books I’ve read this year surprised me. I have to say getting a subscription for Scribd to which I’d been introduced by a great friend really helped. They have so many great books, including audiobooks and especially… Read More A year of books

Author Stuff, Reading

Reading challenge: OCTOBER

I’m starting a monthly reading challenge to encourage me to read and review more, and you’re welcome to join me! The challenge is open to suggestions and can be adjusted to your reading habits. Our monthly reading challenge for October: read a scary book (horror, dark fantasy, noir, etc).